Senin, 14 Maret 2011

SKYLINE (R5) 2010


Released : Nov 12, 2010
Genre : Sci-Fi | Thriller
Starcast : Eric Balfour, Donald Faison and Scottie Thompson
Desc :
Strange lights descend on the city of Los Angeles, drawing people outside like moths to a flame where an extraterrestrial force threatens to swallow the entire human population off the face of the Earth
Duration : 1:29
Size : 106mb

Download movie part1 dan part2
Subtitle part1
Subtitle part2 

5 komentar:

  1. bisa tolong subtitlenya di konvert ke format sub g gan???bisa tolong subtitlenya di konvert ke format sub g gan???

  2. kalo mau diconvert ke *.sub, bisa pake program namanya subtitle workshop. program ini gratis, bisa buat ngedit timing juga.

  3. ane pake hp gan.... Yg agan post tolongin d konvert semua dong :Dane pake hp gan.... Yg agan post tolongin d konvert semua dong :D

  4. mksdny nontonnya pke hp ya? kalo mau bs nnti dkrim subny via emailnya melon.. :)

  5. ya gan pake hp nontonx.... Maklum wong kere :(
    Ni gan emailnya
